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来源: 正保会计网校 编辑:泽2021/03/12 11:02:37 字体:



SBR (INT):September 2021to June 2022
Amendments to SBR (INT)

Section and subject area Syllabus content
A1 and A2 Fundamental ethical and professional principles This has been rationalised into one syllabus area A1 to remove overlaps and repetitions. The coverage has not therefore fundamentally changed.
A2c moved to C11d Identify related parties and assess the implications of related party relationships in the preparation of corporate reports.[3] No change to the syllabus coverage however related parties can be examined without an ethical component so it is more appropriate under the general heading of C11 Other reporting issues
C11b Discuss and apply the principles behind the initial recognition and subsequent measurement of a biological asset or agricultural produce.[2] Removed as very specialist area that requires more knowledge than IAS 41 to effectively report on. Note it remains within the FR syllabus and is therefore assumed knowledge for SBR
C5a Discuss and apply the accounting treatment of short term and long term employee benefits, termination benefits and defined contribution and defined benefit plans. [3] Added ‘termination benefits’ for completeness with regards coverage of IAS 19 Employee Benefits
G 1 -4 Employability and technology skills section added To reflect the outcomes and demonstrable skills required for the SBR examination, using the available technology.
E1c Appraise the impact of environmental, social, and ethical factors on additional performance measures.[3] Added ‘additional for clarity but syllabus coverage remains unchanged. Amended ‘measurement’ to ‘measures’ to tie in with E1a
E1d Discuss how sustainability reporting is evolving and the importance of effective sustainability reporting Moved from F1c as no longer a current issue as it becomes more traditional /embedded in corporate reporting
E1e Discuss how integrated reporting improves the understanding of the relationship between financial and non-financial performance and of how a company creates sustainable value For clarity, increased the focus on stakeholder perspective rather than detailed knowledge of the Integrated Reporting Framework
F1c Discussion of solutions to current issues in financial reporting Updating for current issues and clarifying the scope and include examples such as digital assets and global events
F1c Discussion of solutions to current issues in financial reporting Removed 1.Accounting policy changes and 3. Defined benefit plan amendments, curtailment or settlement as now incorporated in the main IFRS standards and added Presentation and Disclosures to reflect the Exposure Draft (see Examinable Documents).






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