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"morality" exercise:The reasons why the public lost market confidence

来源: 正保会计网校 编辑:小鞠橘桔2020/11/27 10:08:47 字体:


Questions 1:

Can an individual most likely cause the public to lose confidence in the global financial markets?

A、 Yes.

B、 No, a negative event would need to be considered systemic.

C、No, a single person does not have enoug

Questions 2:

A profession is most likely described as a group of people that:

A、 has a common level of basic knowledge about a particular subject.

B 、monitors its members based on an agreed-on code of ethics.

C、 puts the interests of its members first.

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【Answer to question 1】A


A is correct. Any negative publicity regarding a financial sector employee can lead to the public losing market confidence and trust in the investment industry. Consequently, it is critical for individuals working in the financial services industry to act in an ethical manner. Without market confidence and trust in investment professionals, investors will remove their capital and the industry and economy will suffer.

B is incorrect. An individual can cause the loss of market confidence and trust in investment professionals.

C is incorrect because any negative publicity regarding a financial sector employee can lead to the public losing market confidence. Bernie Madolf is an example of a single person that caused the general public to lose trust of investment professionals.

【Answer to question 2】B


B is correct. A profession is practiced by members who share and agree to adhere to a common code of ethics, and a profession is based on a specialized knowledge and skills and service to others.

A is incorrect. A profession is based on a specialized knowledge and skills, not basic knowledge.

C is incorrect. A profession is based on service to others that may not necessarily mean the interests of its members come first



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