
财税实务 高薪就业 学历教育
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来源: 正保会计网校论坛 编辑:2014/05/22 08:33:24 字体:


1. 笼统问法

  3) What will you do in USA?

  11) What is your purpose for the visa?

2. 关于国家

  4) Are you going to study in USA?

  7) How long will you study in USA?

  19) Why do you want to study in USA?

  27) Why do you want go to the United States for further study?(if the accent is on “United States”)

  30) Many universities in the China offer first——rate graduate programs in ***. Why do you want to go to the USA for graduate study?

  53) When are you going to enter US?

3. 关于学校

  13) How do you know this Univ?

  17) Why do you choose this Univ?

  32) To how many institutions have you applied,and who are they?Any other school admits you?

  33) Why did you choose ****** University?How much do you know about the university?

  48) Do you know which school is the best in your major?What else?

  100) Is ******x the first university to give you the offer?

 4. 关于专业

  1) What will you study in the United States?

  9) What do you want to study in USA?

  29) Why do you want to study *** in the US?

  31) What is your ultimate academic goal?

  50) What will you study in this major?What courses?

  52,88) What's the difference between your major now and the major in USA?

  58) Why do you change your major?

5. 关于学位

  20) Why do you want to pursue a master's/doctoral degree?

  28) Why do you think it is time for you to pursue master's/doctoral degree now?

6. 关于TA/RA

  51) If you say you will be a teacher in the future,what will you teach?

  65) What kind of works you will do for this assistantship?What's your duty as a TA/RA?

  79) What will you teach?

  85) Who is your advisor?

  91) What will you do if you can not find a position in the big companies/ *** university?

我要纠错】 责任编辑:小敏

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